Recipes - Desserts / Sweets

(Most recently added recipes display first.)

Sesame Nut Honey Treats


  • 3/4 cup (200ml) pure honey
  • 1 cup (125g) mixed nuts such as Brazil nuts, un-blanched almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and cashews OR 1, 1/4 cups (125g) walnuts
  • 1 cup (130g) sesame seeds
  • ½ cup (60g) chopped dried cranberries (optional)


Large oven tray
Baking paper
Medium (6-8 cup) saucepan
Metal tablespoon
Spray oil
Flat metal tray
Medium metal spatula
Medium sharp knife
Air tight container


  • Heat oven on static 170*C or fan-forced 160*C. Roughly chop nuts of your choice. Place on one side of a baking paper- lined large oven tray. Spread sesame seeds out beside the nuts.
  • Bake for about 15-20 minutes until lightly browned. Remove and set aside.
  •  Pour honey into a medium saucepan scraping out any excess with a spoon. Bring to the boil, simmer for 7-8 minutes until bubbles appear over the surface and the honey caramelises or acquires a toffee-like consistency.
  • Remove from heat and whilst honey is hot immediately mix in the nuts, sesame seeds and optional cranberries thoroughly. Place on an oil sprayed flat metal tray. Using a spatula, work quickly to press the hot mixture out to about a 15 cm by 20cm square.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut the warm mixture into 5x 3cm long by 5x4cm wide columns. Cut into portions. Using your hands, quickly roll each into rough balls.
  • Place in a single layer, 1-2cm apart in a baking paper- lined air tight container to prevent sticking together. Keep in a cool place or refrigerator.

Makes up to 24 treats

To measure honey, use paper towel or a pastry brush to either wipe out or brush a measuring jug or cup container with a thin layer of oil. This allows the honey to pour into the saucepan easily.
Using pure honey the weight for ¾ cup was 240 g. The final mixture was easier to roll into up to 24 Treats based on 15-20g portions

Christmas Pudding – serves 6-8


  • 375 g mixed dried fruits
  • 3 tbs brandy
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 50 g butter, grated
  • 1 slice wholemeal bread, crumbed
  • 1 jumbo egg
  • 2 tbs apple juice
  • 2 tbsp skim milk

Serves 6 – 8


  • Place the fruits and brandy in a microwave-safe bowl or jug, and stir. Cover, and cook on HIGH (100%) for 2 minutes.
  • Sift flour, cinnamon and nutmeg into a mixing bowl. Rub in the butter, then stir through the breadcrumbs.
  • Add the egg, apple juice, and milk, stirring well.  Add the cooled fruits, and mix well.
  • Spoon the mixture back into the jug.  Cover with plastic wrap.  Elevate on a microwave roasting rack, and cook on LOW (30%) for 10-15 minutes.
  • Allow to stand for 5 minutes before inverting onto a serving plate.
  • Serve with creamy yoghurt.


Add 1 tbsp chopped pecan nuts



  • kj: 830
  • kCal: 200
  • Carbohydrate: H
  • Fat: VL
  • Sodium: L
  • Fibre: H
  • Good source: iron, potassium, vitamin A


Crème Caramel



  • 1 cup castor sugar


  • 6 x 70g free-range eggs
  • 4 tablespoons castor sugar
  • 300ml container thickened cream
  • 2 cups regular milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Serves 6 – 8


The Caramel

  • Place castor sugar in a small heavy based saucepan.
  • Place over medium heat and cook until caramel appears through the sugar.
  • Stir and cook further until the sugar melts and caramel is golden brown.
  • Quickly pour over the base of a 20cm x 5-6cm deep ovenproof glass dish allowing the caramel to reach the edges.
  • Set aside.

The Custard

  • Whisk eggs and castor sugar together in a bowl.
  • Combine the cream, milk and vanilla extract in a saucepan.
  • Bring to the boil and remove from the heat.
  • Gradually whisk the hot milk into the egg mixture.
  • Leave for a minute then carefully pour over the caramel.
  • Cover the dish tightly with plastic wrap.
  • Place on a microwave proof rack on the turntable.
  • Place in an 800 Watt oven*, microwave on MEDIUM (50-60%) for 9-12 minutes checking after 10 minutes. The custard should be softly set in the centre.
  • Stand for 20-25 minutes. Remove the plastic wrap.
  • Either serve the crème caramel in the dish or, ensure the custard is free around the edges, place a 30cm flat plate with a slight rim on top and carefully invert it onto the plate.

NB If your oven has a higher wattage, reduce cooking time by 10% (gradually adding more if needed)


Danish Style Pear Trifle


  • 750g pears, peeled cored and sliced
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 3 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 2 cups white breadcrumbs
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 200 mls. cream or yoghurt whipped
  • 50g chocolate grated

Serves 4


  • Place pears, lemon, water and sugar in the base of microwave safe container, cover and cook on HIGH (100%) for 8 minutes or until the pears are soft then mash to a smooth puree. Cool.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the breadcrumbs until golden.
  • Add the brown sugar and cool.
  • Put half the pear puree in the bottom of a glass serving dish, add half the crumbs, then the remaining puree and the rest of the crumbs.
  • Spread with lightly whipped cream or yoghut and finish with a sprinkling of grated chocolate.
  • Serve lightly chilled.

Pavlova with Christmas Cherries & Pistachios – Serves 4


4 x 70gr free range egg whites, room temperature
Pinch of salt
250g castor sugar
Pinch Cream of Tartar
2 tsp cornflour
2 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla

500G  fresh cherries, washed, pitted & halved
2 tsp Kirsch or to taste
300 ml cream, whipped to form peaks
1 – 2 tbls pistachios, chopped

  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (Conventional)
  • Line a baking tray with baking paper. Draw a 20c.m. circle on the paper.
  • Beat egg whites and salt until satiny peaks form
  • Beat in sugar 1/3 at a time until meringue is stiff.
  • Sprinkle with cream of tartar, cornflour, vinegar and vanilla and fold in lightly.
  • Pile mix onto the prepared baking tray, within the circle, flattening top and smoothing the sides.
  • Place into the oven and reduce heat to 150c.  Cook for 1 hour.
  • Turn off oven, leaving the Pavlova base to completely cool with in.
  • Toss prepared cherries with liquor.
  • Invert Pavlova onto a platter, pile on cream and spoon over cherries.
  • Sprinkle with pistachio nuts to serve

Tip:  Pavlova is gluten free.  Replace cream, with ricotta cream if you have diabetes (and ensure all serves are small).